Norwegian Coast by Moonlight
Last month, I was able to visit the Crocker Art Museum. During the visit to the museum, I was overwhelmed by how much art there was. I tried to look at every single piece of fascinating art but one really caught my eye. The Norwegian Coast by Moonlight by Andreas Achenbach. The painting is an oil on canvas created in 1848. In the painting, we can see violent waves brushing up against rocks and a wrecked ship with the main light source being light from the bright moon. The wrecked boat is supposed to symbolize the man's helplessness during the storm. There are also a few birds flying in the sky. The birds are the complete opposite of the man because the man is helpless in storm while the birds are free and unharmed. In the back, we can see a beacon from a lighthouse on the cliff "unable to prevent the wreck below," (Crocker Art Museum). Norwegian Coast by Moonlight Andres Achenbach 1848 Oil on canvas This art piece really st...