
Showing posts from November, 2021

Baroque Architecture

     The topic I have chosen to research is "Baroque Architecture." In the article "Baroque" written by Max Kenyon, Kenyon starts off the article by providing the definition of Baroque and then goes on to discuss the characteristics and traits of Baroque architecture by revealing to the readers how they can differentiate a good baroque building, and a bad one. "A good Baroque building is on the same spiritual level as a good gothic building, though of course the buildings express very different ways of looking at the universe," (Kenyon 105). In the article, Kenyon not only goes over the architecture but also goes over a part of the England culture during the time the Baroque style was adored. The author ties in music to the architecture by informing that the gothic architectural style invited various styles of music, including clavier, opera, and oratorio (Kenyon 106). St Paul's Cathedral Sir Christopher Wren  1674-1711      In Chapter 15, the text di

Queen Elizabeth I

     I chose to do research on Queen Elizabeth I of England. Elizabeth I was born a princess on September 7, 1533. She was the daughter of King Henry VIII and Queen Anne Boleyn. She became the queen in 1558 and held the throne for 44 years until she passed away on March 24, 1603 (Biography Queen Elizabeth I) . Queen Elizabeth I was a popular queen and was admired by many. She accomplished many achievements in England such as, defeating the Spanish Armada, maintaining peace in a divided country, creating an environment that allowed arts to be seen, and negotiating religious conflicts (Elizabeth I's Achievements) . She established Protestantism (a type of Christian faith and practice) in England as well. Fun fact, because the Queen never married anyone, she was given the nickname "Virgin Queen."      The article I chose to read was  "The 'Coronation' Portrait of Queen Elizabeth I, " written by Janet Arnold. In the article, Arnold analyzes the portrait of Q

Shakespeare's Hamlet

       Hamlet  (1603) written by Shakespeare, is one of Shakespeare's most famous plays. The play is a tragedy and drama, that takes place in the late middle ages in Denmark. Hamlet was originally targeted towards the Elizabethan audience. Although the play is quite old, many people today read and study it, including many of Shakespeare's other works. Hamlet  revolves around the main character, Hamlet, as he tries to seek the truth and avenge his murdered father. "Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder," (Act I, Scene V, line 25). As Hamlet journeys to accomplish his goals, he along with the other characters, are faced with difficulties. The play is filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, different themes, and realization. One thing to know if you have never read one of Shakespeare's tragedies, is that there are a lot of deaths involved. Brace yourself before reading the play! Hamlet William Shakespeare     The play has multiple different themes that can